2010 MS Kick For The Cure
$76,232 raised for MS research and care!!!
Summary of the Day's Events
7:45 am: Welcome to the 2010 MS Kick For The Cure! Opening ceremonies should be getting underway in a few minutes.
7:55 am: Kevin is outlining the rules for the game today, thanking sponsors and giving the players their final instructions. The team picture is going to be taken, followed by O Canada, and then the kick off to get this game underway!
7:58 am: Terry Marra, president of the Gorge Soccer association is saying a few words about Roy Cordick who recently passed away. The 2010 MS Kick For The Cure will be played in Roy's memory.
8:08 am: The whistle sounds and the 2010 MS Kick For The Cure is underway!
8:26 am: Team Yellow opens the scoring!
10:59 am: It's almost 11 am and after nearly three hours of play (the length of two regulation soccer matches) we're all even at 6 - 6.
11:00 am: The sun is shining brightly this morning and there is barely a cloud in the sky now. We couldn't have asked for better, considering all the rain Victoria has had lately.
11:03 am: We have a very special guest stepping onto the pitch for this shift, Sherry McGarry, who is living with MS!
12:48 pm: It's the final shift before half time. This shift we have a guest fullback on Team Yellow, Ian Bridge, coach of the Victoria Highlanders!
1:00 pm: The half time whistle blows, with the score 18 - 14 white. Great effort by everyone so far! Kevin called all of the players out onto the field and half time ceremonies are about to begin.
1:03 pm: The director of the South Island chapter of the MS Society is saying a few words, thanking Kevin, the organizing committee, the players, and everyone else for doing such a wonderful job for the past five years!
1:06 pm: Kevin mentioned that our goal for this year is to raise $75,000. If we meet that goal, we will have raised over a quarter of a million dollars in five years for MS research and care!
1:07 pm: Kevin is recognizing the top fundraisers this year, and handing out the top fundraiser prizes.
1:09 pm: Kevin recognized Experience Cycling for donating so many of the top fundraiser prizes. Thank you!
1:15 pm: Kevin and Darcy were presented with a quilt from a friend in Calgary containing the jerseys from all of the years of the MS Kick For The Cure.
1:16 pm: The second half starts with a yearly tradition, the women vs women shift.
6:00 pm: It's the final shift of the day, everybody on the pitch!
6:15 pm: After 10 hours of soccer, the final whistle blows to end the 2010 MS Kick For The Cure!
6:20 pm: Kevin announced that the 2010 MS Kick For The Cure has raised $76, 232 for MS research and care! He gave a huge thank you to the players, volunteers and committee members for all their hard work.
6:25 pm: Kevin requested that players, volunteers and sponsors who have participated in every one of the first 5 years of the MS Kick For The Cure stay for a special photograph.
6:30 pm: The closing ceremonies for the 2010 MS Kick For The Cure have come to an end. See you next year!
The 2010 MS KICK FOR THE CURE is happy to announce that all "non" tax receiptable funds raised will go towards helping people with MS get tested for CCSVI.
Thank you,
Kevin James
Victoria Highlanders Support The 2010 MS Kick For The Cure!
Once again the Victoria Highlanders have stepped up to be GOLD Sponsors for the 2010 MS KICK FOR THE CURE! We are very fortunate to have such a high profile organization support our cause!
General Manager Drew Finerty has been onboard with us from day one! Not only have the Highlanders sponsored financially but they have also helped to raise awareness about Multiple Sclerosis.
We will be having a mini game during halftime at the Victoria Highlanders vs. Victoria United "Derby" Match! Some of the lucky kids participating in the Youth portion of the MS KICK FOR THE CURE will be able to show their stuff in front of a packed house at Bear Mt. Stadium!
MS is a devastating disease which usually strikes young people between the ages of 15 to 40 and with the support of the Victoria Highlanders we are on our way to finding a cure.
Thank you so much!
Kevin James
Event Coordinator

Norco Storm
10-13 year olds

Norco Mountaineer
7-9 year olds

Norco Detonator
5-6 year olds

Norco Viper
Auction bike

Norco Wolverine
Note: Actual bike in the auction will be red.
- Friday, May 28, 2:30-5:00pm
- Braefoot Park "Lakehill Soccer Association" (New Turf Field)
- Victoria Highlanders vs. KOOL FM (Danny the Intern, his interns and YOU the kids!)
- Get your KOOL water bottle signed by the Victoria Highlanders!
- Make a donation to MS Kick for the Cure and join the scrimmage with KOOL FM!
MS Research at UBC
UBC is planning to study an experimental new treatment for multiple sclerosis patients based on the work of an Italian doctor.
Potential Breakthrough Treatment for MS
U.S. and Canadian researchers are evaluating a treatment proposed by Dr. Paolo Zamboni in Italy that has seen a startling reversal of the symptoms of MS in test subjects.
Watch Online: CTV W5 documentary "The Liberation Treatment"
More information:
- MS Society of Canada announces request for research operating grants related to CCSVI and MS
- Liberation Treatment Q and A - W5 (CTV)
- Researcher's labour of love leads to MS breakthrough - The Globe and Mail
A HUGE THANK YOU to the students and staff of Stelly's High School
The students and Staff led by Dom Butcher raised an amazing $500 + for MS!!!!!
I would like to acknowledge some of the students for their hard work.
-Nathaniel Hayes
-Alberto Galleguillos
-Lorna McVie
-Sophia Vos Knudsen
Thanks so much for all your efforts in helping us to END MS!!